All foreign nationals must register at the Residents’ Office within 14 days of their arrival in St.Gallen and before starting work.
Upon registration, the Residents’ Office will check whether all requirements regarding Swiss compulsory health insurance are met.
Generally, applications to extend permanent residence (C) and mere residence (B) permits have to be submitted to the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) around two months prior to expiry date. Please hand in all completed forms in person over to the Residents’ Office and pay all fees in advance.
Employers/school management must confirm the application of their employees (except those holding a C permit)/students over the age of 16. If you would like to apply for an early extension of your permit (max. 3 months prior to expiry), please download the relevant forms online at or fetch them in person at the Residents’ Office.
The aim of family reunification is to enable families to live together. Those permitted to settle in Switzerland have the right to be joined by their children and spouse. Those with a residence permit have no such rights. However, the cantonal immigration authorities may permit such a reunification under certain circumstances.
Applications for reunification with one’s spouse and children must be submitted to the Residents’ Office. Please consult the fact sheets issued by the Canton of St.Gallen for further information about the conditions and the application process.
A valid travel document, or a visa, is required both for entering Switzerland, as well as for short stays within the country. Travel documents need to be recognised by the Swiss authorities. You can apply for an entry visa at the Swiss consulate in your country of residence.
It may also issue a «Declaration of commitment» to you, should you fail to meet the financial requirements. Your host must fill out that form and hand it over to the Residents’ Office (counters 2 to 8), and pay a processing fee of CHF 50.00. Furthermore, he/she pledges to bear the full costs of your stay up to CHF 30,000 by that same declaration.
In order to review all declarations of sponsorship, the following documents need to be submitted to the Residents’ Office:
- Extract from the debt collection register
- Monthly salary statements
- Bank account statement (showing at least CHF 30,000.00) or definitive tax valuation
The Swiss consulate generally need around three to five weeks to complete the entire process, from the application to issuing the visa. Neither the host, nor the guest receive any feedback as to the decision. The Swiss consulate will inform the applicant about the status of the visa application.
Working as a foreign national in Switzerland requires a permit which is issued by both the Canton of St.Gallen, Office for Economy and Labour, as well as the Migration Office.
Before applying to study in Switzerland, foreign nationals should first obtain more information about the various entry requirements at Swiss universities and other higher-education institutions.
A distinction should be made between asylum seekers, temporarily admitted persons, persons in need of protection on the one hand, and recognised refugees, on the other, when providing support to such groups, in accordance with the Asylum Act.
The Social Welfare Office will support all persons whose asylum application has been definitely dismissed.